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Koordinatörlüğümüze TÜBİTAK-TWAS-UNESCO tarafından onaylanan program dahilinde ziyaret
Ka171 Erasmus+ kapsamında Üniversitemiz Sanat ve Tasarım Fakültesi'ne öğrenci gelmiştir.
Özbekistan Dünya Ekonomi ve Diplomasi Üniversitesi'nden Üniversitemize Ziyaret
Kazakistanlı Öğrencilerimiz Futbol Turnuvasında Büyük Başarı Elde Etti
MAKU Attended the World's Largest International Education Summit 'NAFSA 2024' Fair
3rd International Staff Week held at MAKU
Visit to our university from Poland within the scope of Erasmus+ Staff Mobility
Visit to our university from Romania within the scope of Erasmus+ Staff Mobility
International Students Very Happy at MAKU
Academic Collaboration between MAKÜ and University of Information Science and Technology "St. Paul the Apostle"
Welcoming International Guests at MAKU
Islamic Azad University member Dr. Ali Ghamari is at MAKÜ as a Guest Scientist within the scope of TÜBİTAK 2221 Project
MAKU Participates in the 2nd Uzbek-Turk Education Forum
Coordination Meeting
MAKU is Increasingly Rising in World Rankings!
Coordination Meeting
Cyber Security and Software Training Provided to MAKU Students Within the Scope of the “Siber Vatan” Program
MAKU Students Ranked First in ANSİAD Business Idea Competition
Rector Dalgar Hosted Palestinian Students
Coordination Meeting
The XVI. Laboratory Animal Use Certificate Course Concluded with Record Attendance and Success
Consul General of Kazakhstan in Antalya, Kanafeyev, Met with Kazakh Students
Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi
Uluslararası İlişkiler Koordinatörlüğü
İstiklal Yerleşkesi Değirmenler Mah. Cevat Sayılı Bulvarı No:120/9 15200/BURDUR
+90 248 213 1210
© 2019 Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi | Uluslararası İlişkiler Koordinatörlüğü